For your convenience, we offer an early check-in/late check-out service. Check-in time at the hotel is 14.00. Check-out time is 12.00. If you plan to arrive earlier than the specified time, we are happy to offer you a guaranteed early check-in or late check-out (subject to availability).
Guaranteed early check-in or late check-out is provided according to the tariff:
Guaranteed early check-in or late check-out is provided according to the tariff:
- until 10.00 - 100% of the cost of the current day.
- after 10.00 - 50% of the cost of living. Buffet breakfast can be purchased additionally for RUB 1,000
- until 16.00 - 50% of the cost of living at the rate of the current day
- after 16.00 - 100% of the cost of accommodation at the rate of the current day